Get Involved

Helping to Rewrite the Future of Lung Cancer

The efforts of Project Breathing Hope to advance lung cancer research and save lives depends on the support of people like you. Now, more than ever, it’s easy to get involved in promoting lung cancer awareness and lung cancer research. We hope you’ll join us in creating new opportunities.

Following are some ideas on how you can get involved.


Please share our website, your share can make a difference. <<<>>

Join the conversation on social media:

  • #saveherlungs
  • #beatlungcancer

Local Media. Increase lung cancer awareness in your community by writing an editorial letter to your local newspaper(s).


If you’d like to contribute directly to groundbreaking lung cancer research, please visit the Donate page.

  • Participate in lung cancer charity events. (See Events.)
  • Help plan and sponsor a lung cancer charity event in your community. Contact us to find out how we can support you at info@

Contact influencers

You’ve heard the old expression: The squeaky wheel gets the grease? Please join us in writing targeted letters to individuals who have the power to make a difference in the ongoing battle with lung cancer.  See sample letter here. <>>

  • Influential Academic Centers. Send letters to the presidents/CEOs of influential academic cancer centers Click here for link to contact information for major research institutions in the U.S..  <<<>>>

Call (202.224.3121) or write letters to your elected officials asking them to support:

  • R. 4897/S.2358 — the Women and Lung Cancer Research And Preventive Service Act of 2018, a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Feinstein (D-CA) and Senator Rubio (R-FL). Lung cancer is the #1 killer of women since 1987 and we need to figure out why. The incidence of lung cancer among women under the age of 60 has doubled within the last decade. In fact, two-thirds of never-smokers diagnosed with lung cancer are women. (You can submit a form in support here:
  • You can find more information about H.R.4897/S.2358 by clicking on the following link: